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Hannah Stouffer iPhone 3G / 3GS Cases – $34.99

Hannah Stouffer iPhone 3G / 3GS Cases

Los Angeles-based illustrator Hannah Stouffer finds a great deal of comfort in imagery- it’s an admiration that is often times overwhelming. With an infatuation for icons and images that reflect and categorize historical eras, genres and subcultures, her work is an opulent, elegant and beautifully intricate mixture of illustration and design. Her densely-packed compositions consciously recall classical elements from our past and combine them with our modern attractions, creating cohesive yet opposing array’s of imagery and embellishment. She focuses on the contrasts between periods in time, subcultures and social trends- and merges them together with a high regard for traditional decoration.

Purchase one of these Hannah Stouffer designed cases, or remix the art for a truly customized case at